Wednesday 18 April 2012

Ed Sheeran heart

So I had my sisters over for the easter holidays and on one of the rainy miserable days we had, we got down to some crafting to make a change from watching the 5 million films we were watching, My one sister wanted a  One direction heart (which i don't have a photograph of) And my other sister (who wants a regular spot on my blog) wanted an Ed Sheeran heart as she loves him to bits so this is what I came up with !

The Front features his name  and the back features his tattoo which i believe is a logo he uses with his music and merchandise!   The paw print and ribbon re both orange in homage to his ginger hair I hope my sister is thrilled with this little hanging heart I made for her!

The one direction heart just features the 1D  logo on the front and nothing on the back, all in black felt and white stitching to go with the red white and black colour theme most of their merchandise has !